ERMGC Board of Directors Nominations
Board of Director terms are two years, starting in October. Every year there are either two and three positions available (5 member board, two-year terms). A nominating committee is formed in February, led by a mid-term Director and one or two at-large members. Any interested member may contact the committee about the duties, time requirements and financial benefits of becoming a board member.
Below is a list of some of the attributes the committee needs in order to consider nominating a member for the General Election. Nominations close April 30th and voting is conducted from May 10th through our General Meeting on the third Wednesday in June each year. We will use the ElectionBuddy platform for our voting process again this year. More info on this prior to the voting period.
The nomination committee is looking for candidates whom will be diligent Board Directors and put in the time required to serve our membership. If you want to make our club even better and are ready to make a difference, then you should consider running for the Board. You must be computer competent and possess a modern smart phone. We work extensively with web sites, Word, Excel, PDFs etc. Any candidate must have the time available to handle club duties in a timely fashion, including answering emails, texts and calls from members and sufficient availability to attend and help manage weekend Home, and Monday Away tournaments. A minimum 2 years membership in the ERMGC is also required.
Positions on the Board:
- President
- Treasurer
- Secretary/Handicap
- Home Tournament
- Away Tournament
Nominees do not run for a specific board position. The elected candidates, along with the remaining incumbents, elect the new President, who then assigns the other 4 directors their positions.
The committee is required to present their slate of candidates to the Board by the end of April, with voting taking place during May and June. If you want to be on the committee’s slate, contact one of the members of the committee with the emails provided above, otherwise see option 2 below.
Director Compensation
- Up to $500 quarterly to each Director
- Exemption from annual ERMGC and NCGA membership fees
- Exemption from Home and Away Tournament green fees
- Comp plan and course participation always subject to change by the Board
Nomination Process
If you want to run for the Board there are two options in which you can become an official candidate and have your name on the Official Ballot.
- Contact an Election Committee member and request that you would like to be put on their slate. If they do put you on their slate all you have to do is accept their nomination before the end of April. Simply email your acceptance to one of the Committee members, or drop your acceptance statement in our pro shop safe by the April 30th deadline (and notify and current Board Member of same).
- Without going through the Election Committee, you can have any ERMGC member nominate you “in writing” (no email) and you must accept that member’s nomination “in writing”. This nominating paper work must be complete and in the Board’s hands by the end of April.
Nominees will submit a short bio to the Election Committee for publication. Bios will be published by May 10th on our website, and balloting will be open during May and June, up to our June General Board meeting, during which the ballots will be tabulated.
The two (2) or three (3) candidates, depending on how many positions are open that year, that receive the most votes will be elected to the Board for a 2 year term starting October 1 of the current year.
Board Candidate Requirements |
Minimum |
Bonus |
Sufficient availability for Weekend & Monday tournaments (one each per month) |
Past experience on boards, whether golf or otherwise |
Flexible schedule, if not retired |
Financial, Accounting or IT background |
Home computer, internet, smart phone |
Fundraising experience |
Software such as Word, Excel, Adobe Acrobat and ability to work with such documents |
Basic understanding of navigating web sites |
Good organizational skills |
Availability for Board Meetings |
Ability to work collaboratively |
Read and understand ERMGC Bylaws and Policy File |
Member in good standing for 24 months as of April 30th of the current year |
Provide a high-level of timely customer service to our membership, Board members, golf course staff and any other persons or organizations we interact with |